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Block Bin lock troubleshooting tips

Here are some tips to avoid being locked out.

Published: 7/2/2023

Help! My Lock Code Doesn't Work.

We change the code on your lock occasionally to keep your space reserved. But locks can also break occasionally.

If you get locked out, here's how to troubleshoot your Block Bin lock issues:

1. Double check before visiting: Visit your profile. Your code is displayed on the Block Bin info card.

2. Look for our code change emails: We send you an email whenever your code is changed.

3. Number Order Matters: Enter the code top to bottom, and re-check for any erroneous digits.

4. Try variants: Rotate each dial individually to see if one of the numbers of the code is incorrect. Please let us know if you find any mistakes.

5. Won't open: If the code is correct, try pulling down with slightly more force, as it may be stuck.

6. Dials stuck: If the dials do not move, press the lock's U-bolt down into the lock, as this may unsieze the numbers.

7. Lock Frozen: Here is an article about unfreezing locks.

8. Set code to close: The code must be set correctly for the lock to close. Close the lock, then turn the dials to engage the lock.

Still stuck?

Our drivers will fix broken locks whenever they service your bin. For urgent problems, contact us if you are experiencing lock problems and your next service date is not for awhile.